Zoom Wednesday Evening Service

Wednesday Evening @7:00pm

Video Sermon Messages

English Sermons / Sermones en EspaƱol


Thank you for visiting our website. A few things you need to know about our church. You will find no laser lights nor special effects here. We are a simple church that loves Jesus. We gather together to worship God, learn the Bible, connect with one another, and to make a difference in the lives of other. I personally invite you to come and worship with us. We would love to meet you.



Pastor Albert

Church Service Hours

Sunday School (All Ages) 9:30am-10:30am

* Continental Breakfast   9am-9:30am


Sunday Morning Service (All Ages) 10:45am-noon

* Praise & Worship

* Pastor's Devotional for the children

* Bible Message


Wednesday Evening Service (Adults) 7pm-8pm

* We meet in the sanctuary

* Zoom available. Click on Zoom Wednesday Evening Service 

Servicio En Espanol

Domingo Escuela Dominical  10:30am


Domingo Servicio de Adoracion  11:30am


Miercoles Estudio Biblico  7:30pm

Contact Information

Taft Street Baptist Church

  • 7241 Taft Street
    Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024
  • Phone (954)983-1413
  • Email
  • Men's Bible Study

    Men's breakfast & Bible study will be on February 22 @9am in the fellowship hall. We are studying The Seven Deadly Sins.




  • The Lord's Supper

    We will celebrate The Lord's Supper on Sunday morning, March 2nd. 



